Kinetica Introduces the Developer Edition


Today, Kinetica proudly announces the release of our Developer Edition. Developers can now use the world’s premier Streaming Data Warehouse free forever, to learn the platform, test out new features, and develop locally. It’s never been a better time to try Kinetica.

Getting started is as easy as a one-line install. Simply choose your preferred OS and copy the command into your terminal. The Developer Edition is then yours to explore for as long as you like, so you can develop whenever an idea strikes. You can download it here.

The Kinetica Developer Edition runs on Docker. This simplifies the installation and management of the Kinetica platform, so you can invest your time where it counts. With a few basic commands, you can start, stop, and upgrade Kinetica with ease.

Kinetica’s Developer Edition is packed with functionality. You can ingest as much data as you want on your laptop, write analytic pipelines with SQL and our native APIs, and then build custom apps to visualize the output, or send them to an analytic dashboard tool. The Developer Edition delivers the same vectorized analytics on your laptop’s CPU as the Enterprise Edition. Though limited to a single CPU-based node, the results are wicked fast. 

Developer Edition Features

Developer EditionEnterprise Edition
Free for Personal Development UseX
SQL AnalyticsXX
Spatial FunctionsXX
Graph Server / SolversXX
WMS VisualizationXX
Row/Column Level SecurityXX
Cluster/Ring Resiliance HAX
Community SupportXX
Enterprise SupportX
Support Portal & Knowledge BaseX
API AccessXX
Active Analytics WorkbenchX
Intel/CPU InstanceXX
Single Node ComputingXX
GPU-Enabled InstanceX

Visualize large geospatial data sets using the web map service (WMS) endpoint for unlimited geospatial visualization on your laptop. You can assemble geospatial dashboards easily in the bundled visualization tool called Reveal. Or, develop stunning custom mapping applications with our APIs. It’s a great way to see what Kinetica is all about, and develop a few ideas as you build toward the Enterprise Edition.

Kinetica WMS Heatmap Visualization

Need help getting started? We have a brand new documentation site experience to support your journey with Kinetica. Find the content you need faster with better navigation and an overhauled search feature. You’ll find a new helpful guides section with step-by-step instructions. And we have further refinements and enhancements planned for future releases, so stay tuned.

Download Kinetica’s Developer Edition and get started today.

Matt Brown is lead product manager at Kinetica.